5 types of exercises for training for a marathon

5 types of exercises for training for a marathon

Training for an upcoming half-marathon or marathon event. Be it the Upcoming Sydney Half Marathon, Gold Coast Marathon, the Sydney Sun Herald Marathon, the Melbourne Marathon or any other events; there are 5 types of exercises you should include in your training program.

Exercise Hydration

Exercise Hydration

The human body is primarily composed of water and keeping yourself hydrated through out the day is one of the most important and basic things you need to remember to stay healthy and fit. There are a lot of reasons why one needs to maintain a well hydrated body. Most of the bodily functions require liquid to work properly.

5 types of exercises for training for a marathon

Half Marathon Motivation

The Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon is only weeks away!

In order to train for a half marathon, it is essential to stay motivated the moment you decide to start training for a race, during the training and during the race itself. A few tips on staying motivated are discussed below.

9 Running Stretches to Help Run Faster

9 Running Stretches to Help Run Faster

Stretching is a very important thing to do before you go on a run. Other things are just as important, like the right pair of running shoes, good form, and a good warm-up run. When we used to meet up for practice at 6AM during the summer, before we started our workout on the trail, we would start everything out with a good-paced warm-up lap, which consisted of a perimeter around our baseball fields behind the gym. The warm-up run was not meant to be so fast that it affected our actual run, but fast enough to start to break a sweat and warm enough to loosen our muscles and relieve any tension, which is what you really want to do.

Muscles To Stretch For Runners

Muscles To Stretch For Runners

[ad name=”mediumrect”] There is some controversy as to when the best time to stretch is. Some people believe that it is good to stretch before a run and after the warm up. Others prefer to stretch after the run and skip their pre-run stretch. Some stretch...