Fitzroy Falls Marathon 2011
If you’re a runner looking for a challenge, then the Fitzroy Falls marathon is for you. This is because this event is difficult. To date, only 10 males have bettered 3 hours in the years the race has been running; and only 6 females have bettered 3hrs and 30minutes.

The Spotlight on Aussie Bodies
In this article, Dietitian Anita Graham puts the spotlight on Aussie Bodies and their protein supplements. Below are her recommendations. Aussie Bodies are a renowned company in the Nutrition circuit for the production of high quality, nutritionally sound products....

Inspiring: How Bad Do You Want Success?
Chances are you have probably heard the opening parable before, but when paired up with the training video of an aspiring football player the message is pretty powerful. How bad do you want success and what are you willing to go through to possess it?

Kathmandu Adventure Series – Blue Mountains Results and Event Wrap
The first leg was a mini rogaine around Euroka Clearing. Competitors needed to collect six checkpoints scattered around the clearing before transition to the kayaking leg. Teams then kayaked 3km up the Nepean River to Glenbrook Gorge. They then transitioned onto the Canyoning section…

What’s In Your Lunch Box
This month’s nutrition focus is on you and your kid’s lunchbox. Are you providing yourself with nutrient-rich, filling food or are you swamping your lunch boxes with high calorie, poor nutrient (empty calories) food and getting hungry 15 mines later?

Exercise and Increase your Workplace Productivity by $2500
Illustration: Cathy Wilcox This is based on an Australian clinical trial in Melbourne by Body-Brain Performance Institute and Swinburne University's Brain Sciences Institute. Apart from increased brain function and reduced stress levels at work, the trial also...

Discover The Benefits Of Exercising With A Partner
Doing exercises is really fun. It is a good foundation of making us healthy; however, the problem is sometimes, we get lazy to do exercises because of different reasons. A great way to get into a regular exercise routine is to exercise with a partner. Discover some of the benefits of exercising with a partner.

Ultramarathon Mishap in Western Australia
Last a weekend, there was a mishap in a 100km ultramarathon event in Western Australia’s Kimberley region.
Two women, who were participating in the ultramarathon suffered burns to 80% of their body. One of them, Turia Pitt, is from Ulladulla on the NSW south coast.

Rebel Sport Run4Fun – Nov 6 2011
Don’t miss the third annual Rebel Sport Run4Fun presented by The Sun-Herald, on Sunday November 6 at Sydney Olympic Park.
The 10km course is designed to suit everyone from beginners to experienced runners with a spectacular finish inside the stadium.
Supporting the leading children’s hospitals in NSW, entrants are encouraged to raise vital funds to help sick children across the state.

Hukisson Triathlon – Long Course – Feb 2012
Date: Sunday 19th February 2012 Location: White Sands Beach - Huskisson NSW Course Distance: 2km Swim / 83km Bike / 20km Run Race Status: NSW Tri-Series Find out More at http://www.eliteenergy.com.au/husky_tf/lc.html