Missingham Lookout Trail and Nellies Glen Trail
Not fall from the Carrington Falls Loop Track there is another carpark on the other side of the Kangaroo river. While there isn’t a spectacular waterfall like Carrington Falls, it still offers a great walk, stunning views and a water hole for swimming. To get to...
Carrington Falls Loop Track
An easy grade walk that’s just a few minutes south of Robertson (Turn off at the Robertson Pie Shop) If you are looking for spectacular waterfall views which have easy access, then the Carrington Falls Loop Track is for you. It’s a 570m walking track which...
Hike from Heathcote Train Station to Karloo Pools
The hike to Karloo pools is a moderately easy short day hike that is best done early in the morning to avoid the crowds. Starting from Heathcote Train Station, the start of the track is not too far, and visibly signposted along the fire trail that is just next to the...
Coastal Walk To Wattamolla Beach Via Big Marley Fire Trail
We’ve done the coastal walk a couple of time before. (here, here and here) This time we decided to try something different and start from the Big Marley Fire Trail. Something different and hoping it will help us avoid the crowds you normally get at wedding cake...
Taking a Dip Along the Coastal Walk
Taking a leisurely hike along the coastal walk and doing a swim at Marley beach.