Canyoning Fortress Canyon Location: Fortress Canyon - Blue MountainsDate: 9th March 2024 Great day to go canyoning. Easy walk to the creek, 2 jumps, one of which is around 2m high and a 6m abseil at the end. It was Giulia's first canyon at Fortress and Murali's...

Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp 2024 Wollongong Underwater Hockey's 4s (UWH 4's) competition was held on 2nd March 2024 at the University of Wollongong's pool. It's a fast paced, quick game as there are teams of 4 (with one substitute player) and each game comprises of 2 x...

Scuba Diving at Kiama Seas were calm today so it was great conditions for diving at Kiama. Entry is from the right of the rock pool where you can find a nice spot to put fins on and do a giant stride into the water. I haven't dived here in years and...

Scuba Diving at Oak Park Ocean conditions were calm this morning and a perfect opportunity to get a dive off Oak Park. Entry and Exit is relatively easy via the beach on the right of the rock pool. If the conditions are particularly flat, like today, you can jump...

Caving The Plughole Adventure in Jenolan Caves Did the Plughole adventure in Jenolan caves on the weekend. We did it as part of an organised tour as I'm not sure if you can go caving by yourself in Jenolan caves. There was 11 of us and the cave started with an abseil down. The caving...

Canyoning at Macquarie Pass It's been a few years since doing Macquarie Pass, so we felt that it was due for a visit. We had a party of 7 and met at clover hill car park at 9:30am. It was a leisurely 35min walk to the abseil point. Phil was keen to go explore the top...

Scuba Diving with Grey Nurse Sharks It's been a while since I did scuba diving, so decided to get a dive in with some Grey Nurse Sharks. There were plenty on this dive, too many to count, maybe around 40. Spent much of the dive sitting at the bottom while the sharks swarm...

Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp 2023 This year's Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Competition was held on 4th March 2023 at the University of Wollongong Aquatic Centre. Teams of 4 players play in 2 fast paced 5 min halves. The after party theme for this year is Super Heroes...

Scuba Diving, Shark Feeding in the Coral Sea Went diving the Coral Sea over Easter with Mike Ball Dive Expeditions and we got pretty up close with some hungry sharks! The trip departed from Cairns where we got to meet the crew, the other guest and boarded the vessel “Spoil Sport”...

Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp 2015

The 2015 Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Competition took place on 18th April 2015 and it was a roaring success. With over 60 players (from different states and countries) and 13 teams there was plenty of quick fast underwater action happening. Read more about the event, watch the video and check out the photos.

Sydney Morning Herald Sun Run 2011

Sydney Morning Herald Sun Run 2011

In conjunction with the Cole Classic, we’re pleased to launch Sydney’s new summer fun run, The Sydney Morning Herald Sun Run. This exciting new run will be held the day prior to the Cole Classic, on Saturday, February 5, 2011, creating the ultimate sporting weekend.

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Sydney Morning Herald Coles Classic Swim 2011

Sydney Morning Herald Coles Classic Swim 2011

Dive into Australia’s largest ocean swim and secure your spot for Sunday, February 6, 2011.
Take up the challenge to battle the sea and join thousands of swimmers as they gather at Manly to compete in the 28th annual Sydney Morning Herald Cole Classic.
Both the 1km and 2km swims will start from Shelly and finish at Manly Beach (subject to conditions) with all finishers receiving a commemorative medal and category winners and place getters awarded the famous Cole plates.

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How to Train Harder for Longer

How to Train Harder for Longer

Do you normally feel sore after a training run or running event? And does that muscle soreness linger around for days preventing you from getting back into running?

Well Grant from RecoveryWork recently did the New York Marathon. He hasn’t been training for distances greater than 30km (18.6miles) prior to the race, but using his recovery technique, he was able to get back on his feet quickly and experienced no muscle soreness following the marathon.

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Australia Day Aquathon 2011

Australia Day Aquathon 2011

It’s time to once again don the swimmer and joggers, rally friends, family and work mates and take on the fun and unique way to celebrate Australia Day in 2011. The 2010 event was a sensation and the Wollongong Australia Day Aquathon is the largest swim run participation event in Australia.. Set to take place in the beautiful City of Wollongong, the 2011 event looks to be a fantastic event!

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Wollongong Triathlon Festival 4th-5th Dec 2010

Wollongong Triathlon Festival 4th-5th Dec 2010

2010 is the year where we finally have a triathlon event in Wollongong! The stunning harbour precinct and blue mile of Wollongong City are set to come alive this December with a festival of fitness, health and family fun that offers everyone the chance to “have a go” or come along and enjoy the colour and spectacle of the sport of triathlon.

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20 Rules of Kenyan Running

20 Rules of Kenyan Running

We all know that some of the best runners in the world are Kenyans. The 20 rules of Kenyan running are outlined below and are divided into two categories, principles which you should follow in your own training, as well as a couple of factors which are very difficult for you to control.

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