2012 Wollongong 24 Hour Mega Swim
The Wollongong 24 Hour Mega Swim for 2012 is on March 4th. It raises money for MS Australia’s Go For Gold scholarship program. This year we aim to fundraise $40,000 through team sponsorships and donations
The Wollongong 24 Hour Mega Swim for 2012 is on March 4th. It raises money for MS Australia’s Go For Gold scholarship program. This year we aim to fundraise $40,000 through team sponsorships and donations
Australia Day morning means one thing at Wollongong and that’s ‘splash n dash’ time… Signup for the 2012 Wollongong Australia Day Aquathon.
Mark Scott well known local athlete was involved in a very serious accident whilst training on Saturday the 18th of June. We are hoping that the motivation and determination that makes him a great athlete and coach will shine through and help him to recover. On November 13th 2011 there will be a special event at Stuart Park, North Wollongong to help support & raise funds to assist with marks care.
September 24th – 25th is Relay for Life in the Illawarra . Over 130 teams and 1000 participants will be taking part in the relay. For some, the reasons for doing so are more personal than others. Below is Shannae’s story.
Wollongong free-diver Michaela Werner takes in an amazing underwater vista at the base of the Bass Point gravel loader. Free-divers hold their breadth while underwater, giving them more freedom to move around and interact with marine life