Sep 22, 2011 | Articles, Running, Training
Chances are you have probably heard the opening parable before, but when paired up with the training video of an aspiring football player the message is pretty powerful. How bad do you want success and what are you willing to go through to possess it?
Sep 18, 2011 | Articles, Health, News, Nutrition, Training
This month’s nutrition focus is on you and your kid’s lunchbox. Are you providing yourself with nutrient-rich, filling food or are you swamping your lunch boxes with high calorie, poor nutrient (empty calories) food and getting hungry 15 mines later?
Sep 15, 2011 | Articles, News
Illustration: Cathy Wilcox This is based on an Australian clinical trial in Melbourne by Body-Brain Performance Institute and Swinburne University’s Brain Sciences Institute. Apart from increased brain function and reduced stress levels at work, the trial...
Sep 8, 2011 | Articles
Doing exercises is really fun. It is a good foundation of making us healthy; however, the problem is sometimes, we get lazy to do exercises because of different reasons. A great way to get into a regular exercise routine is to exercise with a partner. Discover some of the benefits of exercising with a partner.
Aug 19, 2011 | Articles, News, Wollongong
September 24th – 25th is Relay for Life in the Illawarra . Over 130 teams and 1000 participants will be taking part in the relay. For some, the reasons for doing so are more personal than others. Below is Shannae’s story.
May 24, 2011 | Articles
My Heart rate monitor watch has run out of battery (again for the third time since 2007). I wonder when does it come a time (if there is one) where it’s time to replace the heart rate monitor watch with some thing newer (and with more functionality)?