Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp 2023
This year’s Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Competition was held on 4th March 2023 at the University of Wollongong Aquatic Centre. Teams of 4 players play in 2 fast paced 5 min halves. The after party theme for this year is Super Heroes and Villians. Underwater...
Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp 2015
The 2015 Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Competition took place on 18th April 2015 and it was a roaring success. With over 60 players (from different states and countries) and 13 teams there was plenty of quick fast underwater action happening. Read more about the event, watch the video and check out the photos.

Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp 2013
It’s important to stretch when exercising. Here the folk at the Wollongong UWH 4s are doing some stretching underwater.

Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp 2012
The 20th Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp was held on Saturday 17th March 2012. It was the biggest ever! Here’s the video taken at the event. If you’re curious as to what underwater hockey is and how it is played, this video is for you.