Nov 29, 2010 | Featured, Health, Running, Training, Videos, Wollongong
Do you normally feel sore after a training run or running event? And does that muscle soreness linger around for days preventing you from getting back into running?
Well Grant from RecoveryWork recently did the New York Marathon. He hasn’t been training for distances greater than 30km (18.6miles) prior to the race, but using his recovery technique, he was able to get back on his feet quickly and experienced no muscle soreness following the marathon.
Oct 15, 2010 | Articles, News, Training
A Current Affair did a segment on how gyms are multi-million dollar money spinner and how they get us to part with our hard earned cash.
Aug 2, 2010 | Articles, Featured, Running, Training
We all know that some of the best runners in the world are Kenyans. The 20 rules of Kenyan running are outlined below and are divided into two categories, principles which you should follow in your own training, as well as a couple of factors which are very difficult for you to control.
Jun 18, 2010 | Training
Join me in the one hundred pushups challenge. What’s your initial test result?
May 27, 2010 | Running, Training
You’re finding it hard to get out of bed to go for that morning run. Struggling to keep with your training routine.
Chances are that you’re not training towards anything and find it hard to motivate yourself to workout.
You’re in need of a Fitness Goal!