Discover The Benefits Of Exercising With A Partner

Discover The Benefits Of Exercising With A Partner

Doing exercises is really fun. It is a good foundation of making us healthy; however, the problem is sometimes, we get lazy to do exercises because of different reasons. A great way to get into a regular exercise routine is to exercise with a partner. Discover some of the benefits of exercising with a partner.

TRX Suspension Trainer

TRX Suspension Trainer

TRX Suspension Training gives participants an edge over conventional strength training because every Suspension Training exercise builds functional strength, improves flexibility, balance and core stability all at once as is required on sporting fields and everyday life.

Why I Relay

Why I Relay

September 24th – 25th is Relay for Life in the Illawarra . Over 130 teams and 1000 participants will be taking part in the relay. For some, the reasons for doing so are more personal than others. Below is Shannae’s story.

Gym Warning

Gym Warning

A Current Affair did a segment on how gyms are multi-million dollar money spinner and how they get us to part with our hard earned cash.