Wollongong Underwater Hockey 4s Comp 2013
It’s important to stretch when exercising. Here the folk at the Wollongong UWH 4s are doing some stretching underwater.

Sydney Morning Herald Half Marathon Relays
The Sydney Morning Herald is just round the corner (May 19th 2013) but this year there is a new event available.
Previously the event has been a half marathon only event. It’s actually the only half marathon only event which I know of. All the other events, Sydney Running Festival, Gold Coast Marathon, Melbourne Marathon and Canberra Marathon all have other running distances available. (10km, half marathon and marathon). This year, the organisers of the event are introducing a relay half marathon.

Canyoning at Macquarie Pass
Canyoning Macquarie Pass with Wulf and his friends. Had a full day of canyoning last Sunday with Wulf and his friends. Met Wulf from Water Polo and also at Hangdog, so thats how I know he’s into rock climbing and canyoning. Woke up at 5:45am in the morning and left...

Power Nap on Top of Cradle Mountain
Did the Overland Track Over Christmas/New Years. We had a group of 10 people and it took us 8 days as we did most of the side trips.This photo was taken at the top of the overland track.There is a bit of scrambling to get to the top of Crater Mountain but the view...

Running Injury
Had a bad fall while running through Puckeys this morning. I was running faster than usual and was in Puckeys Reserve on the way back, There was a guy walking his dog in front of me and I was looking ahead to see how I could run around him. Just when I was about to...

Mud Run 2012
The nation’s most bizarre race, the Mud Run has fast become Australia’s biggest mud-fest offering thousands of runners and thrill-seekers a unique fun-run experience. Join thousands of wacky-racers as you run, crawl or even belly-flop your way through the 7km course. Or, for the under 12s, we’ve lined up a shorter 1km ‘Mud Dash’ race.
Adventurous sports you may not have tried
Adventurous sports you may not have tried Here at Wollongong Fitness, we love exciting, thrilling and adventurous sports, from scuba diving to mountain biking. Not only are these activities thrilling and exciting but they are also excellent forms of exercise. If you...

Tough Mudder 2012
Tough Mudder events are hardcore 20 km-long obstacle courses designed by British Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. With the most innovative courses and half a million inspiring participants, Tough Mudder is the premier adventure challenge series in the world.

Urban Max Adventure Series 2012
The Urban Max is part adventure race, part scavenger hunt and part amazing race, taking teams of two through the heart of Sydney. This event is for all skill and fitness levels, with a number of the activities needing more brainpower than muscle.

Sydney Running Festival 2012
The Sydney Running Festival is on again Sunday, 16th September 2012. It’s one of Australia’s most spectacular course, so sign up quick to join over 35,000 other runners and be a part of this event! Event include Marathon (42.195km), Half Marathon (21.0975km), Bridge Run (9km) and the Family Fun Run (3.5km).