Jun 3, 2013 | Articles
he squat has long been a part of the daily workout for dedicated gym queens. It`s tough, but you know you have to do it if you want a toned core and legs. This exercise, when done on a mini trampoline, actually works out even more muscles than if it is done on a hard surface, as your body works to stabilise you. You may find muscles you didn`t know you had aching after this exercise.
May 29, 2013 | Health, Training
Everyone gets aches and pains. But rather than going to see an expensive sports masseur, have you ever considered treating painful muscle knots yourself? The advantages of performing your own massage is that only you know the exact spot that the pain is located. Using a tennis ball is an ideal way of applying pressure to trigger points, as they are firm, yet pliable and can fit to the shape of your muscle contours well.
May 22, 2013 | Articles, Featured, Scuba Diving
Did a dive trip to Truk Lagoon which is considered to be the diving capital of the world. With over 60 vessels sunken there, always 26.6 degree Celsius water and often calm waters we could easily see why this is one of the best wreck diving locations in the world!
Apr 26, 2013 | Scuba Diving
Doing a wreck diving holiday is so different from all the other scuba diving holidays! I’ve done a few scuba diving holidays in the past, but never a wreck diving holiday! The preparation and feeling leading up to a wreck diving holiday is so different from all the...
Apr 23, 2013 | Events, Running
The Nike She Runs the night for 2013 is on Saturday, 4th May 2013, at Centennial starting at 7pm. Here is a the route for the 10K run along with the elevation chart.