Aug 11, 2011 | Events, Running
The Inov-8 Coastal Classic is a running race along the classic Coast Track from Otford to Bundeena. With 29km of trails, beaches, sand and rainforest – this race has a little bit of everything with great views to top it off! Next race is on Saturday, 10th September 2011
Aug 11, 2011 | Events, Running
The Mud Run is an obstacle jumping, mud crawling, hill climbing gallop around the world famous Sydney Equestrian Cross Country Course! The event is happening on 3rd December 2011 in Western Sydney
Aug 1, 2011 | Featured, News, Training, Wollongong
Last Saturday, VO2 Vitality and Spearman Cycles organised a mountain bike ride day up at Appin XC Ring Track. It was a great day out on the track where those who haven’t mountain biked before had an opportunity to experience the spot and learn a few pointers from the professionals. Read how it went.
Jul 30, 2011 | Events, Running
Urban MAX – Entries open 19th November 2011 – Sydney CBD Do you love the Amazing Race? Do you enjoy the challenge of solving clues, navigating your way around the CBD and completing weird and wacky challenges? Then this event is for you. Back for the...
Jul 27, 2011 | Events, Running
Kathmandu 12 & 24hr Adventure Race at Jervis Bay
24th to 25th September 2011